Projection: Determines how points are to be projected on the stereonet plot, as an equal angle or Wulff projection, or as an equal area or Schmidt projection. Stereonet Options (See the Details topic for more information about these stereonet-specific settings) Many other additional options are included, including the automatic-offset capability.įeature Level: RockWorks Standard and higher
The Labels option will automatically assign the borehole title as the point label.
all the same), or symbols that are defined within the borehole location tab.
The Symbols option allows the user to either set uniform symbols (i.e. This limitation is designed to maintain compatibility with the other programs that read the downhole fracture data (e.g. The program assumes that the downhole fracture data is recorded in dip-direction parlance. The program assumes that the downhole fracture data represent planes. These options are very similar to those in the Planes | Stereonet option in the RockWorks Utilities, with the following exceptions: The collage above shows how fractures are displayed within a 3-dimensional striplog diagram versus a contoured stereonet for the same boreholes. This program is used to plot a stereonet depicting the fractures for all enabled boreholes. RockWorks | Borehole Manager | Fractures | Stereonet
Creating Stereonet Diagrams from Fracture Data Creating Stereonet Diagrams from Fracture Data